Vanilla is a subscription-based design firm that expertly crafts websites for startups, B2C, and B2B companies.
Once you decide to move forward after the initial introductory call, you will be asked to sign up for our service (no contracts are required) and to fill out an onboarding questionnaire so that we can clearly define your business, needs, and preferences.
After we receive your submission, we immediately send you an onboarding email confirmation and request access to your project management tool and communication tool. If you do not have a project management tool, we will provide one through ClickUp.
Once this is set up, we plan a kickoff meeting to better understand the project goals and scope, and we begin immediately after.
Note: We recommend booking a quick kickoff meeting to discuss any open questions and ensure that you get the most out of the service. However, the meeting is not required for us to start working on your tasks and projects.
Engage with us through your project management system, or we can provide a ClickUp board if necessary.
To initiate a new design request, simply tag us within the tool, including relevant documentation, priority level, and timeline. While meetings are useful for more complex discussions, we try to minimize unnecessary steps unless required. Video walkthroughs, for example through Loom, are also highly encouraged. That being said, we are still available for meetings anytime you feel it is necessary.
To optimize efficiency, we recommend populating the task queue with multiple requests, each marked with different priority levels. This ensures that we can swiftly move on to the next task if it is completed or temporarily stalled with another, eliminating wasted time.
UX Discovery Research, Ideation, Branding, Wireframing, High-fidelity Mockups, Full End-to-End Website Refresh, Design Systems.
Once subscribed, you are able to add as many design requests to your queue as you would like, and they will be delivered one by one.
You might be surprised to hear this, but Vanilla is actually an agency of one. This means you'll work directly with me, the founder of Vanilla. However, power-up requests such as animations or custom illustrations are provided by partner designers.
Note: In the future, as Vanilla grows, we aim to bring in-house top-notch talent for diverse design needs. Rest assured, each recruit will undergo thorough vetting, maintaining high-quality output and utmost professionalism.
Figma, Adobe Suite, and Devign.
Our mission is to make you smile with every delivered task or progress report. We are working hard to continuously improve our workflows and try to adjust them for each client if possible.
We also educate our talent community on new design trends, tools, and technologies to stay up-to-date with what's working these days.
However, things can get out of our control. For example, illness or life events happen. In these situations, we take ownership of our mistakes and add additional talent and time, working around the clock to make up for the lost time until you are 100% satisfied.
Due to the nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.
That's fine. You can pause your subscription when you are finished and return when you have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.
Credit card ACH requests at the beginning of every month.
We understand that you may not have enough design work to fill up an entire month. Perhaps you only have one or two design requests at the moment. That's where pausing your subscription comes in handy.
Billing cycles are based on a 31-day period. Let's say you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription. This means that the billing cycle will be paused, and you'll have 10 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.